It is always inspiring to come across someone who has conquered the challenges of life and kept steadfast in fighting for success. From attending school barefoot to not having the correct school uniform, Mpho Makhado’s conditions growing up gave him countless reasons to give up, yet, regardless of the circumstances, he has managed to establish the first African traditional hospital.

Born in a village called Tshandama Thengwe in Limpopo, Makhado comes from a family of eight children and was raised in a poor background by an unemployed single parent. He reflects on his hardships growing up and says that they were his biggest motivation to succeed in life.
“My high school was very challenging because of my family background. Due to the conditions, sometimes I wanted to give up, but along the way, I had a dream that all these conditions were there so that I could challenge them. What I targeted was to just complete my matric, which I achieved.
“I couldn’t risk going to university but told myself that I would learn from those who had experience, and my background was always my motivation. My mother used nature to create food for our table every day. I lived through it and told myself I must do better to change the situation,” he says.
Sharing traditional knowledge
“Today, I am proud to be the Global African Traditional Healing Activist and founder of Revmed. I’m working with the University of Limpopo on the IKS (Indigenous Knowledge System) on traditional medicine.
“I have also established the first African traditional hospital that is situated in Limpopo, Polokwane, where I am also a traditional psychologist and herbalist. I am also running the ICT company and ICT Training,” Makhado explains.
In the process of building the first African traditional healing and cannabis resort, Makhado was recently recognised as the first black South African to establish the Cannabis Cigar, as he highly specialises in using medicinal cannabis for different patients and says it is unique because the healing results through cannabis are immediate.
“In the past, cannabis has been the most common herb that was used, and I grew up in a family of traditional healers where cannabis was used to treat many diseases that people were suffering from. I just modernised it in the form of cigars for patients who suffer from migraines, bipolar disorder, insomnia, and many other diseases that require the inhalation of cannabis.
“For people who suffer from anxiety, we have Duba Cannabis Tea that helps them relax and sleep at ease, and there are various other healing cannabis products that Revmed provides.”
All their medicinal products are compliant with the regulations, Makhado says.
“Our medicinal cannabis is licensed, but it is still difficult for some people to accept it as medicinal because of the stigma associated with cannabis use, whereas many people adjust quite well with other varieties of herbs, as previously used.”

Educating people
The Polokwane-based herbalist highlights that his life changed significantly when he began to embrace and educate people about African traditional medicine and healing. He says people began to understand the importance and power that traditional healing and herbs have.
“Our herbs, mostly during Covid-19, have saved so many lives globally. We reached many people across the globe through the courage and eagerness with which I pushed without fear. To date, our herbs and practices have reached many people across the world. I have also killed the stigma for many people since I started educating them about traditional herbs and practices.”
Furthermore, Makhado points out that the majority of patients who use herbs for chronic diseases always come back with very good testimonies of recovery.
However, he advises those with chronic illnesses to be cautious and not stop taking their medication unless consulted with a medical doctor.
ALSO READ: Impepho: A mighty plant with spiritual and healing benefits
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