Milk is the obvious choice to help your little one build healthy, strong bones. But what happens if you have a fussy eater on your hands? Paul Mindry shares three easy recipes for fast, nutritious calcium-rich meals your kids will love.
Mindry, Spar’s brand group house manager, says there are many foods that are great sources of calcium like sardines, and dark leafy greens such as spinach and kale. “Neither sound particularly tempting, especially if you are already struggling to cater for your child’s picky palette,” says Mindry.

Getting children to eat healthy foods can sometimes feel like fighting an uphill battle, says Pretoria registered dietitian Jason van Heerden.
But child nutrition is incredibly important, and you don’t need to cave in and let them eat nothing but fast food and sweets. “It’s worth the struggle,” Van Heerden believes.
“If the parents are not eating healthy, how can they expect the kids to? It’s so important to have kids eating with family [and] eating with friends so that they can learn. If the parents say, ‘Oh, I don’t like carrots. I didn’t eat my vegetables’, why would the kids want it?”
Put the yummy in their tummy
Set the example with Mindry’s three fast recipes full of calcium you and your kiddies will love.
Milkshake melody
Milkshakes appeal to all ages. Try a different flavour each time, for a calcium-infused dessert the whole family can enjoy on a warm summer’s day.

500ml vanilla ice cream
500ml full-cream milk
1. Combine both ingredients in a food blender or processor, or use a suitable jug and a stick hand-held blender if this suits you better.
2. Whizz until foamy, creamy and thick. Beat in the flavouring ingredients of choice thoroughly. Pour into tumblers and serve immediately.
Delicious flavour combos:
- 1 well-mashed banana
- 125ml vanilla custard and 50 ml strawberry flavoured milk powder
- If you want more of a fruit-whip type of drink, introduce fresh chopped fruits that puree easily like berries, paw-paw or mango.
Homemade custard
Good, wholesome creaminess that can be whipped up with the kids’ help.
200ml double cream
700ml full-cream milk
4 large egg yolks
3 tbsp cornflour
100g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract / essence
1. Put the cream and milk into a large pan and gently bring to just below boiling point.
2. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, whisk the yolks, cornflour, sugar and vanilla.
3. Gradually pour the hot milk mixture onto the sugar mixture, whisking constantly.
4. Wipe out the saucepan and pour the mixture back into it.
5. Heat gently, stirring with a wooden spoon until the custard is thickened, but before any lumps form. Eat hot or cold.
Hints & Tips
- For a healthier alternative, you can substitute the caster sugar for honey.
Pro-Nutro puff
Besides the health and nutrient benefits of milk, these baked wonders also offer wholewheat goodness and the supplemented vitamins of breakfast cereal.

480g (4 cups) cake flour
20ml baking powder
500ml ProNutro whole-wheat cereal
5ml salt
100ml canola oil
4 large eggs, lightly beaten
500ml full-cream milk
250ml water
1. Preheat oven to 180ºC and grease 2 giant muffin pans.
2. Measure all the ingredients into a 3 litre porcelain mixing bowl.
3. Blend together using a wooden spoon. Do not over-mix.
4. Spoon mixture into prepared pans and bake for 25 minutes.
Hints & Tips
- Sprinkle with poppy or sesame seeds before baking if you like
- The apple-bake ProNutro may be substituted for the whole-wheat, but keep in mind it will give a slightly sweeter result
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