Missing The Hints from Barberton, Mpumalanga writes…
My dearest Hints
Please take care of your mental health first, babes.
Your husband deserves a wife who is attracted to him. Your stepchild deserves all of your love and more. And most of all, you deserve some tenderness and self-love too.
Any future child you may have, deserves a mother who is properly medicated and who is prepared to accept them unconditionally.
Bringing a child into this world is not the answer if you are not prepared mentally. Your marriage is also something I suspect that you were never really prepared for. Might I suggest that you urgently seek counselling and put your plans for parenthood on the back burner, and take care of your own mental health? There are a lot going on in your life and you need help.
You are worthy of unconditional love and it starts with getting the proper medication. Dr Jacky Jenkins says untreated bipolar disorder can be very dangerous to your health if you do not seek and maintain treatment.
Learning to love yourself can be a major challenge while trying to balance the extremes of bipolar disorder. It’s hard to keep up with the demands of a bipolar brain. It can be frustrating and discouraging.
Love yourself enough to get stabilised.
You are enough.
You are important.
You are worthy.
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Write to Liewe Lulu
Liewe Lulu is Health For Mzansi’s agony aunty. The content in this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical and/or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition.