Lebogang Nthite’s path to becoming a nursepreneur began far from the healthcare field. Born in the village of Madidi in North West, her dream was to become an engineer; however, life steered her towards injections and caregiving.
“I come from a family of five children and am the fourth. I pursued technical streams during high school because I was passionate about engineering. My dream was to become an electrical engineer,” she says.
“My reason for becoming a nurse is very personal. It was influenced by my mother’s sickness and her passing. That’s when I saw a gap where I could make a difference.”
“My mother was diagnosed with cancer. For nearly five years, she kept this diagnosis hidden from my siblings and me, believing that she was protecting us from the pain of knowing. My mother didn’t live long after she told us, and while the time we had left with her was brief, it was difficult to witness her suffering in that little time.”

This realisation influenced Nthite to be in a position to save lives. She started her nursing career in 2012 with a caregiver course and has since upgraded herself to become a professional nurse.
A passion for children’s health
Now a devoted nurse with a special affinity for working with babies in Johannesburg, Nthite diligently runs her clinic practice, focusing on the expanded programme on immunisation and managing childhood illnesses.
“From the moment I began my nursing career, I knew that working with children, especially babies, was my true calling. I love kids deeply, and I simply can’t see myself doing anything else.”
“Beyond my nursing duties, I currently manage three private clinics of Le’flora, of which I am the founder and CEO of the Le’flora Wellness Clinic. Established in 2021, Le’flora Wellness Clinic employs five permanent staff members.
“I started Le’flora Wellness Clinic after the Covid-19 saga, as I saw a big gap and opportunity in healthcare.”
Nthite’s entrepreneurial spirit doesn’t stop there. She also founded a movement called Nurses Vision Holds Power (NVHP), created in 2022 to empower nurses to become nursepreneurs.
Helping other nurses achieve their dreams
“NVHP started with a gathering of only ten nurses. It’s designed to meet the needs of nurses in the healthcare industry who want to open their own private clinics. We offer training, support, guidance, mentorships, and resources to help nurses achieve their goals,” she shares.
“I also do charity events at nursing schools where I enlighten the nurses more about entrepreneurship. I also do school career expos.”
Nthite emphasises that nursing requires immense strength and adaptability and isn’t for the fainthearted.
“This career is not for the weak. As a nurse, you become whoever your patient needs at that moment. If your patient needs a psychologist, you have to switch from nursing mode to psychologist mode immediately.”
Though she is not currently specialising in a particular field, Nthite is trained in nurse-initiated management of antiretroviral therapy (NIMART) and integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI).
Nthite says she faces challenges, particularly from fellow nurses who lack understanding about nurse entrepreneurship. This motivated her to create NVHP to offer a platform for nurses to gain the knowledge and support they need.

Reaping the rewards
“I was not particularly influenced by anyone into nursing and nursing entrepreneurship, but the conditions nurses work in the hospital sectors pushed me to study more.”
“Being the winner of Best Healthpreneur of the Year 2024 for the FOYA Awards Southern Africa is a testament to my impact. The recognition has brought with it a new set of responsibilities, ones that I take great pride in.”
For Nthite, this recognition has been a powerful motivator, inspiring her to expand her movement and create more opportunities for others.
Looking ahead, she envisions NVHP assisting nurses across Africa. “I want to see our platform, Nurses Vision Holds Power, everywhere in Africa, assisting African nurses. I would like to be remembered for every impact I have left on someone’s heart.”
“For aspiring nursepreneurs, this journey is not easy, but if it’s a path you want to take, you should remember that if you want to go fast, you must go alone. But if you want to go far, you must always go with others.”
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