Eucalyptus may sound like a bit of a tongue twister, but this tree’s fragrant tree leaves have been a trusted remedy in many South African homes. It boasts a refreshing scent and a surprising range of benefits, making it a must-have in many people’s natural wellness cabinets.
It has been used for respiratory health, offering swift relief from congestion, coughs, and colds, and providing a simple yet effective solution for a healthier breathing experience.
Derived from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree, eucalyptus oil is known to provide much-needed relief during times of respiratory distress, however, it should be used with caution.
A firm family favourite
For Khensani Makhubela from Soweto, growing up, eucalyptus leaves were a staple in her family’s home remedies. When the Covid-19 pandemic hit in 2020, they started using the oil too.
“It’s been very effective in relieving cold symptoms, reducing pain, bringing relief to my skin when it’s dry and painful, and helping with my anxiety,” Makhubela says.
Kutloano Kekana from Pretoria recalls how someone recommended eucalyptus oil to her mom during Covid because she’s a health worker and was at more risk of getting sick. Kekana says she has incorporated it ever since.
“I went on Google and searched what eucalyptus oil is made out of, and it turned out to be a very common tree that grew where I was born in Mpumalanga. My grandmother used to steam her face with the leaves when she had the flu. I now also use eucalyptus oil when my chest is congested or to relieve a cough.”
Blake Metelerkamp from Pretoria shares that eucalyptus oil has assisted him with his asthma, as it is good at opening up respiratory properties.
“I use eucalyptus oil for my asthma. I steam with it when I have the flu as well, and it opens up my pores and chest. I don’t use it all the time, but it is very beneficial for me.”
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Use with caution
Speaking from a different experience, Karabo Mathatho from Polokwane says during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, like many parents worldwide, she turned to steaming with eucalyptus oil as a precautionary measure. However, what started as a well-meaning effort to boost respiratory health, took a devastating turn.
“You’d think something is good until you have health issues from it. From my experience, I’d suggest using herbs to steam and staying away from oils.”
According to Mpumalanga-based pharmacist Leonie van der Westhuizen, eucalyptus oil is an oil derived from the leaves of the eucalyptus tree and has benefits that include anti-inflammatory and decongestant properties.
“Eucalyptus oil is used to treat coughs and nasal congestion by opening the airways. It can also be applied to painful joints and muscles,” she says.
Van der Westhuizen cautions against side effects of using the oil, “The toxic symptoms of side effects are rapid in onset and include a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, abdominal pain, and spontaneous vomiting. The initial effects of the effects of the central nervous system are giddiness, ataxia, and disorientation, followed by loss of consciousness, occurring in 10–15 minutes.”
She also advises that eucalyptus oil should never be ingested but applied topically only.
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