Plums are not just your average fruit, they are members of the esteemed stone fruit family, related to other delicious fruits like peaches, nectarines, and cherries. And these yummy summer fruits are not just delicious but also offer a variety of nutritional and digestive health benefits.
Known for their juicy flesh and hidden seeds, Limpopo-based dietitian Kulani Mtileni explains that stone fruits are a type of fruit that contains a large stone (or pit) in the centre. These fruits generally belong to the Prunus genus and tend to have thin skin with soft flesh.
“Like other types of fruit, fruits on the stone fruit list are an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, and could potentially help enhance bone health, boost weight loss, improve immune function, and more.”
Dietitian Kulani Mtileni
“You can consume plums fresh or dried, and dried plums are known for improving several health conditions, including constipation and osteoporosis.”

Nutritious and delicious
Mtileni emphasises that plums offer extreme nutritiousness with a variety of health benefits. “They contain many vitamins and minerals, in addition to fibre and antioxidants that may help reduce your risk of several chronic diseases.”

Unlike other fruits, he says fruits on the stone fruit list stop ripening right after being picked, meaning that the stone fruit season is somewhat narrow. However, he adds that different varieties ripen at different times, making it easy to find several types available throughout the year.
“Many unique fruits are classified botanically as stone fruits, ranging from familiar favourites like peaches, plums, and raspberries to less common varieties, such as green almonds, which are a green stone fruit notable for their fuzzy outer hull,” he says.
“Although stone fruits can be included in moderation as part of a balanced diet, some people may need to reduce or moderate their intake.
“In particular, those with a stone fruit allergy should avoid these fruits, as they can trigger symptoms like itching, swelling, and even anaphylaxis.”
If you have an allergy, Mtileni says it’s best to exercise caution and consult with a trusted healthcare professional before consumption. “If you notice any food allergy symptoms after consuming stone fruit, discontinue use immediately and talk to your doctor.”
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What makes plums so good?
Hortgro Groups’ communications manager Elise-Marie Steenkamp says plums are delicious to eat and contain a wealth of health-giving vitamins and vital minerals. She states that they are high in fibre and a source of vitamins A, C, and E as well as potassium and carotene.
Steenkamp says stone fruit get their name from the pit. She highlights that the pit is often mistaken for a seed; however, the seed is encased inside the stone.
“Stone fruit, also called a drupe, is a fruit with a large stone inside. The stone is sometimes mistakenly called the seed; the seed is, in fact, inside the stone.”
Hortgro’s Elise-Marie Steenkamp
“South African stone fruit growers produce plums, peaches, apricots, nectarines, prunes, and cherries, and plums are a big economic contender, with a production area of 5 465 ha. With 111 809 tons produced in 2021/2022, of which 73% is exported,” she explains.
“South African stone fruit is internationally known for its superior taste, size, and colour. This is mainly due to the abundant sunshine and other climatic conditions. Our plums, for instance, are sought after overseas due to their unique taste or eating experience.”
Grow your own!

Dibesho Serage from Limpopo, whose company grows 25 000 stone fruit trees, says plums predominantly grow in the Western Cape, where the average winter temperatures are generally higher than the winter temperatures in the north.
“Due to their high chill requirements, plums are mainly produced in the Western Cape. They are required to grow in the region of 450 chill hours, and in some cases even more so.
“With the soils generally, when you’re doing plantations in an orchard, particularly stone fruits, look for soils that are good with drainage. Look for soils that will not drain easily because that will drown your plants,” he says.
Fruit farmer Dibesho Serage
Good drainage is essential
“Generally, with stone fruits, you want good drainage. You want your spacing, your planting spacing, to be good because plants grow big.”
According to Serage, anything between two and a half metres between the plants and four metres between the rows is a good guideline for ensuring that your equipment can ride in between when you’re doing applications. “You also need to ensure that, after planting, you do pruning, winter pruning, and summer pruning to open up your trees for sufficient sunlight.
“You also need to have a good fertilisation programme as well as a programme to do your pest management in terms of your insects and fungi.”
Serage recommends that before you plant plums, to make sure that you do market research in terms of the particular variety of plants because there are many different types of plants.
“Know what types of plants your market desires so that you plant with your market in mind, or at least what kinds of plants are the latest varieties.”
Plum trees take around three to six years to grow and bear fruit, so patience is required!
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