Stunk in the Stink from Mahikeng, North West writes…
Liewe Lulu… My new boo and I both love oral sex. The only problem is that his penis smells a bit weird and it turns me off. It is very cheesy down there.
How can I get him to be more aware of the problem without hurting his feelings? I make it a habit to shower before he goes down on me. Am I too fussy?
He showers every day, but I think by the end of the day his penis gets a big funky being tucked away all day or something? Please help.
Dearest Stink
This is a tough one. Everybody has a signature scent, and sweat can definitely turn that “skinscent” a little sour.
There is never an easy way to approach hygiene-related odours, but if you want to get rid of the stench and spice up your sex life, your best bet is to communicate with your bae.
Body odours are often caused by sweat mixing with and breaking down bacteria on the skin, and the usual suspects are always the armpits and groin area. It’s not always a cause for concern, but when you say it smells as distinct as cheese, then Houston, we have a problem.
You can do one of three things with your smelly saga. Use positive reinforcement and be low key about your tactics – draw sexy baths for the both of you before sexy time. You can let your grievances – like his odour – fester and linger on in your relationship, or help him. Help him realise that he has issues in terms of his personal hygiene.
Has your boo visited a urologist? Is he circumcised? According to my good friend, Dr Vusi Khosa, brothers with their foreskin intact should always practice good hygiene because bacteria and fungus can accumulate under the foreskin, causing smegma. This is a thick yellow discharge dispelled from the penis. I would encourage you to tell him to get it checked.
ALSO READ: Liewe Lulu: I don’t think I like sex
Write to Liewe Lulu
Liewe Lulu has moved from Food For Mzansi, where she used to help readers in agriculture with their love life. Now, you can follow her here on Health For Mzansi. The content in this article is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical and/or psychological advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding any medical condition.